Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Life Update

I've been MIA lately for various reasons, but I'm back! I know my blog is supposed to be about food, but I guess it's okay to have a life update every now and then, right?
  • I took a completely spur-of-the-moment trip to Tampa (which is SO not me) and made some amazing new friends!
  • Over the course of one week, I spent more time in the library than I ever have in my life.
  • I became FSU's Mock Trial chair!
  • I moved out of the apartment I've lived in for the past 2 years.
  • I'm back in Pensacola for summer.
  • I have a new job at a pediatrician's office.
I think the best part of the past month is that I got to know some people I probably never would have known had it not been for going to Tampa. I'm not a spontaneous person. I like goals and plans and lists and staying at home! But because I stepped out of my box, I really loved my last two weeks as a Junior.

So life is good, but also busy. Here are a few photos - some from my blackberry, so not great quality. Enjoy.


just for khush :)







  1. Aww, I am so HAPPY you came to Tampa and I got to know you Nikkiwiki lol, ILY and I cant wait to see you. Love always your wonderful co-chair

  2. great pictures, great times.
    - KD
